Unveiling Confidence: A Comprehensive Guide to Ostomy Products and Clothing

Ostomy blog - Ostomy Covers

Introduction Ostomy surgery can be a life-altering experience. Whether it’s due to colon cancer, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or an unexpected accident, living with an ostomy requires adjustments, especially when it comes to clothing choices. That’s where specialized ostomy products come in – designed with comfort, functionality, and style in mind, they aim to make […]

Colostomy bag

Ostomy blog - Ostomy Covers

Colostomy bags an introduction Colostomy is a surgical procedure that creates an opening in the abdominal wall for the purpose of diverting waste from the colon to a colostomy bag that is attached outside the body. It is typically performed when the colon is damaged, diseased or otherwise non-functioning. This can be a life-changing event […]

Ostomy Bag Covers: Enhancing Comfort and Style

Ostomy blog - Ostomy Covers

What is an Ostomy Bag? An ostomy bag, also known as a stoma bag or pouch, is a medical device used to collect waste from the body after an ostomy surgery. Ostomy surgeries involve the creation of a stoma, which is an opening on the body’s surface that allows waste to exit. There are different […]

The Ultimate Guide to Exercising with an Ostomy Bag

Exercise with a Stoma - Exercising with an ostomy bag - SIIL Ostomy

Exercise with a Stoma Exercise with a stoma requires careful consideration but can be a positive and healthy part of your routine. Starting with low-impact activities like walking, swimming, or cycling is ideal. It’s important to avoid putting excessive pressure on your abdominal area, especially in exercises that heavily involve core muscles.  Wearing an ostomy […]

Swimming with a Stoma: Everything You Need to Know

Living with an Ostomy

Living with a stoma can present a range of challenges, but it shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying leisure activities such as swimming. Swimming is not only a fun activity, but it is also a great way to stay fit and healthy. Here’s what you need to know about swimming with a stoma. Types of Stoma […]


Ileostomy vs Colostomy - Everything you need to know - SIIL Ostomy

Ileostomy Vs Colostomy Ileostomy vs Colostomy is a common question, let’s find out: When comparing an ileostomy and a colostomy, it’s important to understand the key differences between these two types of ostomies, as they relate to different parts of the intestines and serve different purposes. An ileostomy is created by bringing a part of […]

The Emotional Journey of Living with an Ostomy: What You Need to Know

Living with an Ostomy

Living with an ostomy can be a transformative and emotional journey, filled with both challenges and triumphs. Whether you are embarking on this path or have been living with an ostomy for a while, it’s important to understand that it’s okay to feel a range of emotions, and that there is hope and empowerment to […]

10 Tips for Managing Your Ostomy: A Beginner’s Guide

Stoma Care Tips

As an ostomate, managing your ostomy can be a challenging but ultimately rewarding experience. Whether you are a beginner or have been living with an ostomy for a while, there are always ways to improve your daily routine and make life with an ostomy more manageable. Here are ten tips to help you get started: […]

Telling that you have an Ostomy

Living with an Ostomy

Telling people you have an ostomy is up to you. It probably makes sense to share it with the people closest to you. They will be concerned about you and your recovery. Sharing your experience with them, explaining what an ostomy is and what it entails, can be a positive way to express your feelings, […]

What is an ostomy?

What is an Ostomy | Ostomy | Colostomy | Ileostomy | SIIL Ostomy

What Is an Ostomy ? What is an Ostomy? This is a very asked question, let’s try to summarize everything in this ostomy post: Delving into the realm of “What is an Ostomy?” isn’t merely an exploration of a medical procedure, but a segue into a narrative of resilience, rebirth, and reinvention. An ostomy is […]


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