Going outdoors with an Ostomy

Living with an Ostomy

For ostomates, a priori, going out to socialize or doing any kind of outing outside their comfort zone can be somewhat distressing. It is common to think about the possibility of having a leak, the absence of adapted bathrooms to take care of the stoma if necessary or any other inconvenience that may occur with […]

Clothing and Ostomy

Ostomy blog - Ostomy Covers

Ostomy clothing is something that a person wearing an ostomy bag has doubts about, both aesthetically and functionally. In summary, you can wear all kinds of clothes with an ostomy. However, there will be garments that, due to the location of the stoma or the individual body contour, may be uncomfortable, such as belts, for […]

Hiding an Ostomy

Living with an Ostomy

To you, the ostomy pouch you have is very obvious. When you look in the mirror, you notice it under your clothes and you probably think that every noise coming from your stoma is very loud and everyone hears it. However, most people will not realize that you are wearing an ostomy pouch unless you […]

Foods for traveling with Ostomy

Ostomy Nutrition

Another issue that is often on the mind of a person with an ostomy when a trip comes up is food. So this are my thoughts about ileostomy diet, colostomy diet when traveling. If you have already had time to recover completely from your surgery, you will have a good idea of what can cause […]

Traveling with a Stoma Bag: A Worry-Free Journey

Ostomy Swimwear | SIIL Ostomy

Travelling with a Stoma bag Traveling with a stoma bag can seem daunting at first, but with the right preparation, it can be a smooth and comfortable experience.  The key is to plan ahead and be ready for any situation. Before embarking on your journey, make sure to pack extra supplies of stoma bags, skin […]

Traveling by PLANE with Ostomy

Living with an Ostomy

If air travel can sometimes be uncomfortable for a person under normal conditions, for a person carrying an ostomy pouch, air travel can be, at any given moment, a distressing and worrisome time. To make your air travel pleasant and safe, here are some guidelines: 1. Change your device or empty it before crossing the […]

Me and my stoma

That you wake up one day and your life has undergone a 360-degree change is what people with an ostomy experience; in my case, as a result of an aggressive ulcerative colitis diagnosed in my 20s that never made me think that I would have to share my life with a pouch attached to my […]


Hi, I’m Maria!

Can I introduce myself & send you the best Ostomy diet tips?